by Trey Plante ’24
This past semester I took Working with Remote Sensing Data (QAC234) and developed a project focused on counting container ships in the Long Beach Harbor, California. Here are some details of what I did.
by Trey Plante ’24
This past semester I took Working with Remote Sensing Data (QAC234) and developed a project focused on counting container ships in the Long Beach Harbor, California. Here are some details of what I did.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past two months, you know that the talk of the town has been QAC250: “An Introduction to Data Journalism.” Taught by journalist Stephen Busemeyer of the Hartford Courant, the class has proved to be a huge hit despite tricky class hours (7:10 – 10:00PM.) The relatively … Read more
I tried to get a hint about the dataset for this year’s Data Fest competition, but as always that information is sealed up tight. That is one of the key alluring facts about Data Fest – none of the participants know what data set they will be working with until the opening ceremony. This year … Read more
Full disclosure: when I went into my conversation with the QAC tutors involved with the Agero Data Education Program this winter, I had no clue what Agero was or what they did. Scrolling through the company’s website before the interviews didn’t really help me either. This is apparently a common reaction: neither Kyle Akepanidtaworn ’18 … Read more
Within a sea of New York start-ups hides a data journalism lab that treats the heart tacked on at the end of your tweet with the same seriousness as its 140 characters. PRISMOJI, founded by ex-Facebook data scientist Hamdan Azhar, hunts and reports on patterns in tweet trends. From the Swift/Kanye debacle to Brexit, the … Read more